Tule koko perheen tapahtumaan Valkeakosken Joulumessuille!
Trimola -hanke kiittää ja toivottaa menestystä myös tulevalle vuodelle 2015
Campus Iltamat; 80-luvun ohjelmalla nuorten syrjäytymistä torjumaan
Additional language courses in High school in the evenings


Valkeakoski High School, Valkeakoski Vocational College and HAMK University of Applied Sciences form a large, cohesive Campus area. The Trimola project, funded by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), started in 2011 in order to further develop the co-operation of the three schools in the Campus area.

Crossing the boundaries of each individual school in teaching and development projects will lead to several unique and valuable opportunities for the students and the local businesses.

Valkeakoski Campus introduction video